Monday, August 31, 2015

Cover Reveal: A SOLDIER'S DAWNING by Lisa Survillas

Title: A Soldier's Dawning
Series: Happy Endings Resort #8
Author: Lisa Survillas
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 28, 2015
I am not just a Man. 

I am a Husband. A new father.

A Soldier.

I am Jason Reynolds.

For me, serving my country was supposed to make a better life for us all. Injured overseas, my only focus is healing for my family. When I’m given the news that my family will never be the same, I find myself drowning in pain. Talk about life being a cruel bitch. 

In search of a solitary life, I take up residence in a town far from my shattered life. The Happy Endings Resort seems to be the perfect place for me to nurse my wounds. Finding a job is easy, and Brandon’s garage is the perfect place to wallow in my misery. Somehow Brandon, seems to understand my need to work until I’m exhausted, and to keep to myself. He gives me the space I need to overcome my wounds . . . all of them. Little did I know he’d have a niece. 

Will these demons haunt me forever and drive me to hide from everyone and everything I’ve ever known? Will The Happy Endings Resort give me the solitude I need? Will the people here to be the cure I didn’t know I was longing for?

Hi! I'm Lisa. I live in SUNNY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA with my wonderful husband and two teenage children. With two kids in high school and involved in activities both inside and outside of school, I have a lot to juggle. When home, I lock myself inside the office to write. I've always loved to write, but life always seemed to be too busy. When inspiration finally hit, I made the most of the time hubby and kids were busy and published my first book in February 2014. I've published a total of 4 books in the past year and am hoping to bring you a few more before 2015 ends.



Release Blitz: Hell's Flower by S.L.Schaefer & Jen Cousineau


Hell's Flower Cover


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Two people.
That's how it usually starts right? I grew up believing one thing, only for one day to completely mess up everything I've ever been taught. Was I a good girl? No, not by any means. But, the world I'm about to be thrown into is unlike anything I've ever known.
Multiple people.
I live for club life. As the President of the Hell's Storm MC I protect my brothers at all costs, and they do the same for me. After a rival club killed what was mine, I vowed to live in as many chicks as possible. Never tasting the same one twice. But, all it takes is that one look to completely bring a man, even me, to my knees. Two people. Brought up on different sides of the tracks. Two different paths in life. Both will be tested, taken to the very edge of darkness that threatens to consume them both. Will they be able to withstand the heat of hell? Or will they fight to death and lose themselves?
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Some books are good but this book is absolutely freaking amazing. I am still at a bit of a loss for words, as the journey my emotions have been on with this book are quite frankly epic. Just when you think the story is going to go one way these two wonderful authors make it turn in quite a different way. This is brilliant never once could I guess what was happening or going to happen. This book has a wonderful love story, but it isn't really your hearts and flowers kind of love but gutsy, gritty but above all real and suitable for the characters. Mace is certainly a strong alpha male who takes his role as president of his MC club very seriously. This means protecting what and who is his. Raven is a strong alpha female who likes her independence but she also likes Mace. Can their two very different worlds blend together? What helps to add to the quality of this story is the involvement of all the friends in particularly Jazz and Creeper. They add the humour and also lead us to the next book which I am now absolutely dying for. I happily award this book 5 stars~ Rosie.

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S.L. Schiefer
So, as some of you may know, my first jump into the Indie World was with a light and fluffy romance. But, I think I’ve finally found my niche, the dark! *insert evil laugh* I love reading anything and everything, will read even when I’m supposed to be working. I’m really not that cool of a person, I love hiding behind my electronic devices. But, if you can grab my attention I will talk your dang ear off. I was born and raised in Ohio, O-H-I-O! I’ve been with my high school sweetheart for 10 years now. I’m surprised one of us hasn’t killed each other by now. lol. I have two beautiful little boys, that can give Satan a run for his money. I would love to hear from any of you.
Jen Cousineau
Romance Author. ItWorks distributor. Mother. Wife. Adventurist wannabe. Fitness enthusiast. Coffee and chapstick addict.
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Author S.L. Schiefer
Jen Cousineau

Saturday, August 29, 2015

New Release: HARMONY'S HEALING by T.J.West

Harmony's Healing
T.J. West

Model: Daniel Wells

Danny Jay, lead guitarist of the hottest new band, JINXS has found himself fighting for control in his own life. He can’t control his father’s choices, the sister he blames for his abandonment or his best friend dating his sister. It’s the ultimate betrayal leaving him bitter, angry and unforgiving.
Harmony’s older sister raised her after their parent’s fatal car accident instead of going into the foster care system. When tragedy struck again Harmony made the hardest choices to pay the bills and survive. She gets a second chance to build a better life when offered a job at Montgomery Suites, where she crosses paths with Danny.
After one horrible drunken evening at Montgomery Suites, Harmony takes care of Danny and feels a connection but he is damaged and reserved. Will these two abandoned souls be able to heal each other?

I enjoyed this book despite it taking me a little while to get into it. This is probably my fault for not having read book 1. However, once I connected with the characters I was caught book, line and sinker. I loved Danny, even his grumpy ways were endearing because I  knew he had a past that was causing him trouble. Harmony, on the other hand, is a breath of fresh air. She also has a sad past but she hasn't let it define her. Can she help Danny to heal in a similar fashion. I wish we saw more life on tour with the band, as I am a lover of tour bus antics. Overall I enjoyed this book and would certainly recommend it and award it 4 stars ~ Rosie

I'm a stay at home Mom of two teenagers. I became a self published author in 2014 after being inspired by many self indie authors. I have enjoyed writing for a long time, but never thought my imagination would carry me to this point in my life. After many years of losing my passion, and from enjoying raising my children I am finally at a place where I can reach for my dreams. Whether I become a best seller or not, I am loving the journey I am on and will continue to write as long as my readers are willing to read my stories.
Other interests: Watching many many TV shows (yes I am addicted), movies, hiking, going to the beach, spending time with the family, road trips, cocktail nights with friends and being interactive with my fans, friends and family on Facebook.

Twitter: @AuthorTJWest

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Cover Reveal: THE BEAST WITHIN by Rachel M Raithby

cover reveal beast within
An innovative and collaborative collection of Shifter stories set in one town, with a guaranteed Happily Ever After.
Authors included:
Scarlett Dawn, Aria Kane, Lia Davis, K.N. Lee, Calinda B, Kate Corcino, J. Rose Alexander, J.M. Witt, Carina Wilder, Sarah Makela, Tasha Black, Emily Walker, Michele Bardsley, Elle Thorne, Renee George, Nicole Blanchard, Mandy Rosko, J.D. Hollyfield, Mindy Larson, M.C. Cerny, Xandra James, Raci Ames, Isobelle Cate, April Aasheim,
Cherie Marks, Rachel M Raithby, Eden Butler, Ever Coming, Jenni Moen, and K Webster.

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For two years Becca Kian has been in an abusive relationship; leaving could prove deadly, but when she’s pushed a step too far, Becca has no choice but to flee. After an accident that leaves her unconscious, Becca wakes to find herself in the cabin of a man as entrancing as he is dangerous. Because this man makes her want to dream — dream of a world where Alex Scar doesn’t exist.
Both Minotaur and human, Aster Tavros is a shifter in hiding. Living in Woodland Creek, he’s made no effort to form relationships; too afraid to allow others to see his true nature. Because when they do; they run, or worse…die. Yet when Becca comes crashing into his life, he ignores every one of his rules. Passion ignites between them, but when secrets and pasts collide, Aster must hide his identity — or reveal his true self, and save Becca, all the while, risking losing her forever…

woodland creak banner
Release Date : November 15th 2015
*Copyright Rachel M Raithby - subject to change unedited.
Becca hadn’t had a blessed life. Though recently she thought it was reaching an all-time low. Even being tossed from one foster home to the next her entire childhood, was beginning to seem like heaven compared to the last few months.
Her life drained the very essence from her. Every day she witnessed horrible acts she could never erase from her mind. Becca was trapped, a prisoner, yet her captor didn’t see it as such.
At seventeen Becca had run away from her final foster home; deciding she’d rather chance the streets than live with the foster dad with wandering hands. After a year things began to take there toll, thieving for food wasn’t easy, and no one wanted to employ a homeless woman who’d not even finished school. The day she met Alex Scar was a turning point in her life. At the time she’d thought it was for the better, but how very wrong she’d been.
Alex Scar had many talents. His best though; wearing a mask. Alex Scar could turn from safe, handsome, nice guy to the leader of a drug cartel within seconds. He’d worn his mask for months, luring Becca into his trap. He gave her a home, a job, and he wanted nothing for it in return…well for the first six months at least.
Becca knew she was beautiful…sexy even. When she had nice clothes and a place to live, her dark brown hair glimmered almost black. Her blue eyes shined when she had no worries on her shoulders, and her smile was infectious and easily given. For six months Alex had only been a friend, he’d given her a new life, and not once attempted to want anything more. The night he’d first touched her he’d been gentle and sweet, his kiss had been light, teasing, leaving her wanting more.
I never do this Bec…The girls I help, I never have any intention of wanting anything from them, but you Becca, you are the sweetest of them all…I can’t help myself.
His words, and his smooth tone, had captured Becca in his spell, and for a while she’d been happy. Yet eventually Alex’s mask began to slip. She witnessed glimpses of his real nature, and his real life. By the time Becca wanted out. She’d seen and heard too much. Becca’s only out was death.
So here she was; just twenty and girlfriend to Alex Scar, leader of the drug cartel in Detroit. Alex kept her by his side like a trophy. He knew she hated what he did, and it seemed to only please him more. He loved torturing her mind, loved to make her watch his interrogations. He also enjoyed hitting her when she stepped out of line.
Becca often wondered whether she had a limit. When would the point arrive when she couldn’t take anymore? What would finally make her snap?
“Come here Bec.”
Becca glanced up plastering a smile on her face as she gazed at Alex. There was a new shipment in, and Alex and his crew where sampling the goods. Becca never touched the stuff, and Alex had never forced her too…yet.
“Yes?” she asked sweetly, as she approached. Pulling the hem of her dress down, Becca felt eyes on her. Alex chose her clothes, he told her what to wear.
“Stop fiddling,” Alex scolded, slapping her thigh. “Come, sit on my lap.”
Swallowing her revulsion, Becca complied. She hated nights when Alex got high; he always got too rough.
“My sexy sweet thing,” Alex cooed, taking hold of her breast and squeezing tightly. “Show me how grateful you are Becca.”
Sliding her hands up his body, Becca’s mind went blank as she retreated deep into herself, and performed an act she’d done many times with no thought. She didn’t feel anything when she kissed, and touched Alex Scar. It was like she wasn’t home; she’d left her body, and it acted on its own accord. Becca felt dead on the inside, with each time she died a little more, yet she could see no way out.
Feeling extra hands on her, Becca snapped back to herself and pulled away as Tony, Alex’s right hand man groped her.
“Get off!” Becca yelled, venom in her tone.
Tony looked shocked she’d even spoke. His eyes narrowed, anger filled his features. She wasn’t quick enough to miss his strike, he clipped the side of her face and she fell back onto the floor and scrambled away. Her eyes met Alex’s, pleading him to say something, to stop this, but Alex laughed, delighted with this new game.
“Get back here Bec,” he order patting the hard bulge between his legs.
“What?” Becca whispered, her eyes looking from Tony to Alex. “But I’m yours?”
“Yes you are. I own you Becca, and I want you here on my lap, and you’ll let Tony do as he pleases.”
Her legs moved on their own. Her mind screamed in protest but nothing seemed to respond. They pulled at her, touching her, and stripping her body of her clothes. She felt their damp skin rubbing against her but saw none of it, registered none of it.
Her back met the floor, as Alex loomed above her, ripping the last shred of clothing from her body. A tear rolled from her eye as Tony’s cock hovered above her face.
“Now be a good girl and open up,” Tony sneered.
With one last pleading glance at Alex, Becca complied. I really do have no limit…
The door burst open.
“I’m busy!” Alex growled.
“I’m sorry Boss but this is urgent.”
Alex’s hands dug painfully tight into her thighs. “I’ll finish with you later… Enjoy Tony.”
For one hopeful second Becca had thought she’d been saved. Yet Alex stood, pulled on his jeans and then left, closing her in the room with Tony.
“At last I have you all to myself.” Tony smiled.
Becca snapped. Scrambling away she turned to escape, only to be pulled back. Her head hit the coffee table painfully and the stack of cocaine tumbled to the floor, sending white puffs of clouds into the air.
“Bitch, you’re going to pay for that.”
Her begging only enticed him more, and as he neared her entrance, Becca turned her head away unable to watch. Her eyes focused on the contents she’d knocked from the coffee table; bags of cocaine, cigarettes and a gun, half hidden under a newspaper.
Becca had always wondered if she had a limit. What vile act would send her over the edge? She knew there was a high probability she’d not leave the warehouse alive, and even if she did, Alex would never stop hunting her, yet her hand clasped the gun. The metal felt oddly right in her hand, her finger found the trigger and as she aimed. Tony laughed not expecting her to shoot, but whether she lived or died, Becca wouldn’t allow herself to be loaned out to Alex’s men…She’d reached her limit, and she fired.
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New Dawn Novels

new dawn

True love is powerful, but some people will go to any lengths to destroy it.

Book 1 - Winter Wolf
#BestSellingParanormal #YoungAdult

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Book 2 - Wolf Dancer
Due to Winter Wolf being picked up by Skyskape Publishing Rachel has had to postpone the release of Wolf Dancer.