Friday, May 30, 2014

Feature Author: J.D. Rivera

Feature Author J.D. Rivera
J.D. Rivera lives in Oklahoma with her husband and two boys. Her life consists of school projects, homework, cartoon shows, and little league sports. She loves Diet Mountain Dew, the OKC Thunder, costume jewelry, the beach, and reading.
Author Interview
1.       Where are you from?
I've lived in the awesome state of Oklahoma my entire life. :-) 
2.       What do you do when you’re not writing?
 I chase after my kids and I love to travel. 
3.       Where do the ideas for your books come from?
I actually have no idea. They come out of nowhere most of the time.  
4.       What book are you reading now?
 I'm reading Hate Me, Book 5 of the Keatyn Chronicles by Jillian Dodd. It's a great series! 
5.       What was the hardest part in writing?
The hardest part for me is finding the time! After chasing kids all day,
I'm tired by the time I get the chance to write.  
6.       What was your favorite part of writing?
My favorite part of writing is when a twist happens that I didn't even see coming. It's fun to write those scenes. :-) 
7.       What are your current projects?
 I just finished writing a short story for an anthology. I'm actually on vacation right now and as soon as I get back I'll be writing a new NA novel.
8.      Can you share a little of your current work with us?
 I'm really not sure what I can share about the anthology. But I will say be on the lookout for a great anthology this summer from the girls at Indie United. :-)
9.       Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
 I just want to say thank you to every single reader that has taken a chance and read one of my novels/novella. I'm so thankful for your support. 

~~**OK………….. Now that all the serious questions are out of the way, let’s have some fun**~~

10.   What is your most embarrassing moment?
I can't think of one that I'm willing to share. ;-) 
11.    What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket list”?
 I'd love to do the Sky Jump at the Stratosphere in Vegas. I love stuff like that. 
12.    If you could be any flavor of ice cream what flavor would you be and why?
 Mint chocolate chip. It's awesome! 
13.    What is one thing that annoys you the most?
 Boring people. I like adventurous people. 
14.    What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
 Probably squid. It tasted good though. :-)
15.    Are you a morning or night person?
 I'm a night owl. I don't fully function or become a nice person until after 10am. 
16.    What’s your favorite movie?
 Don't laugh or judge but I love Joe Dirt! 
17.    Where is the worst place you could get stuck?
 This will sound strange to most but... The worst place to get stuck, for me, would be a public restroom. I'm a germaphobe!
18.   Where would you go if you were invisible?
 This is a hard one! 
19.    What is the one thing you own you wish you didn’t?
 I'm going to say a vacuum cleaner. Maybe my family would be a little bit cleaner if we didn't have that convenience and obviously I wouldn't have to use it constantly. 
20.   If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?
 My iPad loaded with all of my books and a piña colada. :-)
21.    If you could choose your nickname, what would it be?
 Awesome! I'd definitely choose awesome! 

Guarded (Guarded Heart)

Vanessa Smith has her heart guarded. She’s been married to a man that sleeps around and has made her think she’s ugly and undeserving. Everything changes when she is knocked down by the famous basketball player, Jackson Berrios. A friendship ensues and everything she thought she knew about men turns out to be wrong.

Jackson Berrios was out for a run in a new city when he made contact with the beautiful Vanessa Smith. He instantly knew she was different from most girls but can he make her see that he’s different from her cheating husband?

4 Amazing Stars
If you are looking for a light, fun read, then this is the book for you.  It is short, because it is only a novella, but that didn't leave me loving it any less.  I felt so sorry for Vanessa and all she had been through with her soon to be ex-husband.  No woman should have to deal with verbal abuse.  A man should only make her feel as if she is the most beautiful person in the world.  But her a**hat of an ex definitely didn't do any of that.  Because of the way he treated her, she sees herself the way he painted her, plain Jane, boring, etc.  But she soon runs (literally) into Jackson.  He was absolutely wonderful and you couldn't help but love him.  He helped to show her that she is worthy of so much more.  This was just overall a great, feel good read.  4 wonderful stars of sweetness.

Other books by J.D. Rivera
Defensive (Guarded Heart)
Trying to Get Over You

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