Oh Captain, My Captain presents Ashton Campbell of the Utah Bears.
Ashton Campbell balances
his time between hockey and his young son, Reed. He can’t manage to find anyone
good enough to be introduced into his little family, not that he spends a lot
of time looking. As soon as he lays eyes on the beautiful, yet annoyed fan, he
knows he needs at least one date with her, but he has to convince her to say yes
his time between hockey and his young son, Reed. He can’t manage to find anyone
good enough to be introduced into his little family, not that he spends a lot
of time looking. As soon as he lays eyes on the beautiful, yet annoyed fan, he
knows he needs at least one date with her, but he has to convince her to say yes
Lexie Allen’s life
revolves around her daughter, Sadie. She has kept her focus only on her since
the death of her husband in Iraq. She never worried about having a personal
relationship with another man again. The only luxury she holds onto is her love
of hockey, which doesn’t include the Utah Bears.
revolves around her daughter, Sadie. She has kept her focus only on her since
the death of her husband in Iraq. She never worried about having a personal
relationship with another man again. The only luxury she holds onto is her love
of hockey, which doesn’t include the Utah Bears.
Ashton goes after what
he wants and what he wants is Lexie. She, on the other hand, has to realize
that sometimes, you have to be a little crazy to earn a happily ever after.
he wants and what he wants is Lexie. She, on the other hand, has to realize
that sometimes, you have to be a little crazy to earn a happily ever after.
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1y1fPHf
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/1wEAZZ9
Barnes &
Nobles: http://bit.ly/14EIyYW
Nobles: http://bit.ly/14EIyYW
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1Kufwv7
iBooks: http://bit.ly/1FBIwRQ We walk up to a tank that has a
bunch of seahorses and smaller fish inside. A group of kids surround it, all
excited and mesmerized.
bunch of seahorses and smaller fish inside. A group of kids surround it, all
excited and mesmerized.
Sadie stops her foot and whines, “I
can’t see anything.” She crosses her arms in a pout.
can’t see anything.” She crosses her arms in a pout.
“Here, I’ll help.” I bend down to
pick her up, but as soon as I do, Reed pipes up too.
pick her up, but as soon as I do, Reed pipes up too.
“I can’t see either.”
“Maybe if you eat something other
than chicken nuggets, you’ll start growing. Might want to try those veggies
next time. C’mon.” I crouch down a little to lift him up as well, a kid on each
hip. They are heavy too. Reed and Sadie lean forward a little to see even
better and I look at Lexie. “Can you see?”
than chicken nuggets, you’ll start growing. Might want to try those veggies
next time. C’mon.” I crouch down a little to lift him up as well, a kid on each
hip. They are heavy too. Reed and Sadie lean forward a little to see even
better and I look at Lexie. “Can you see?”
She giggles. “I’m fine, thank you.”
I smile at her. Once the kids are
done looking, I put them back down and ask, “Who is ready to see the sharks?”
done looking, I put them back down and ask, “Who is ready to see the sharks?”
Sadie looks up at me, then glances at
Lexie and Reed. “Like...like real sharks? I thought we were just going to see
the fish.”
Lexie and Reed. “Like...like real sharks? I thought we were just going to see
the fish.”
“Duh, they’re real sharks. Sharks are
fish too, Sadie.” Reed rolls his eyes at her, and I poke his shoulder in
fish too, Sadie.” Reed rolls his eyes at her, and I poke his shoulder in
“But what if the glass breaks, and
they try to eat us, like on Finding Nemo?”
they try to eat us, like on Finding Nemo?”
“Those were good sharks. Remember?”
Reed answers.
Reed answers.
“Oh yeah.” She nods before tugging on
my shirt a little. “Mr. Ashton, are these good sharks?”
my shirt a little. “Mr. Ashton, are these good sharks?”
“Yep, sure are,” I reassure her. “We
are going to walk through a little tunnel, and they’ll swim around above us.”
are going to walk through a little tunnel, and they’ll swim around above us.”
That might not have been the best
thing to say based on how scared she looks now, but I wanted to let her know
what was going to happen. The little girl takes a deep breath, getting very
serious. “Can I hold your hand in case the glass breaks?”
thing to say based on how scared she looks now, but I wanted to let her know
what was going to happen. The little girl takes a deep breath, getting very
serious. “Can I hold your hand in case the glass breaks?”
“Yes, you can.” She grabs my hand and
I add, “You might need to hold Reed’s hand too.”
I add, “You might need to hold Reed’s hand too.”
“Okay,” she nods in agreement as she
takes his, “but hold Mommy’s, so we don’t lose her either.”
takes his, “but hold Mommy’s, so we don’t lose her either.”
I hold back my laugh. “All right.”
With a hand outstretched to Lexie, I ask, “Are you ready now too?”
With a hand outstretched to Lexie, I ask, “Are you ready now too?”
With ease, she intertwines her fingers
with mine and nods. As we walk towards the shark exhibit, she leans in and
whispers, “If I didn’t know better, I would think you planned this.”
with mine and nods. As we walk towards the shark exhibit, she leans in and
whispers, “If I didn’t know better, I would think you planned this.”
“I’m not that good,” I laugh.
“And here I thought you were,” she
Paige is a romance author from North Carolina who has published eight books on
her own. She is a huge hockey fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins and loves read.
When not writing, Lindsay is focused on completing college.
Paige is a romance author from North Carolina who has published eight books on
her own. She is a huge hockey fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins and loves read.
When not writing, Lindsay is focused on completing college.
Mary Smith was born in
Chicago, Illinois, but currently lives in West Virginia. She is an avid reader,
co-founder of Book Nerds Across America, and author of the Ice series, Always
Forever, and The Hockey Tutor. She goes nowhere without her cell phone or
Kindle. Mary loves anything to do with Chicago Blackhawks, Patrick Sharp, and
hockey related!!
Chicago, Illinois, but currently lives in West Virginia. She is an avid reader,
co-founder of Book Nerds Across America, and author of the Ice series, Always
Forever, and The Hockey Tutor. She goes nowhere without her cell phone or
Kindle. Mary loves anything to do with Chicago Blackhawks, Patrick Sharp, and
hockey related!!
Despite their love for
different teams and players, Lindsay and Mary write hockey romances to
vicariously live through their characters and their experiences with these hot
hockey players. Together, they have written The Penalty Kill Trilogy and the Oh
Captain, My Captain series.
different teams and players, Lindsay and Mary write hockey romances to
vicariously live through their characters and their experiences with these hot
hockey players. Together, they have written The Penalty Kill Trilogy and the Oh
Captain, My Captain series.
Lindsay Paige
Mary Smith
Catch up on the rest of the series!!
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1welsm3
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/1sjUtjJ
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1IC2MBI
iBooks: http://bit.ly/1zxMeXi
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1GdZJxA
B&N: http://bit.ly/1umWlJ9
Kobo: http://bit.ly/12vEGrr
iBooks: http://bit.ly/1z7KmU2

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