Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sanctuary of Mine Blog Tour






When you see someone who looks like they need saving, you save them right?

Mackenzie Deeks is struggling. Outwardly she plays the tough guy and acts like being a young adult with an eating disorder is no big deal. Inside, she's crumbling.

Ever since her parents’ divorce, the only way she has been able to feel in control of her life is by purging the despair that has its grips on her and won't let go.

Tyler Redding knows when someone needs help - he's seen it before. This time, though, he's not going to take no for an answer. From the moment he first sets his sights on Mackenzie, he's unable to think of anyone else. But how can he focus on a football career when all he wants to do is date the most unassuming person he's ever met?

As their lives become intricately entwined, it becomes more than wishful thinking when Mackenzie and Tyler find each other again as adults. With successful careers, a beachside lifestyle and each other’s love to contend with, life should be pretty damn good. But just when they think they’ve found their wonderful kind of normal, their perfect world comes crashing down.

It’s going to take a lot to keep Mackenzie from succumbing to old habits, but Tyler thinks he might just be the one to save her for good.

Buy Now


4 1/2 BEAUTIFUL STARS! This book was enthralling. My heart was breaking for Mack as she was struggling with her issues. I was drooling over Tyler. I was in love with the relationship that blossoms between them. I thought that the relationship seemed really mature for high school students. But then I remembered what each of them had gone through and could see how they are both more mature than regular high school students. I want a friend like Levi. He is perfect and I love how him and Mack help each other and just know what the other one needs. This book was wonderful and I would recommend it to everyone. ~ Leslie



We weave in and out of a few side streets before we stop beside a black Harley motorcycle. Scanning the street, I’m still looking for his car when he removes two helmets from the storage compartments on either side of the bike. He replaces the helmets with our gear and then turns to me.

‘Where’s your car?’

‘It’s my dad’s. The bike’s mine, it’s easier to park down here when it gets this busy.’


‘Come here and let me put the helmet on you.’ He steps closer to me to meet me half way, and our bodies inadvertently brush together. His chest feels hard and muscled, evidence of a lot of exercise. He looks older than a seventeen year old, and I can see what the attraction would be for other girls – me included. It makes me absently wonder who the spare helmet was for. A ‘just-in-case’ or did it belong to an ex-girlfriend? I push those thoughts quickly from my head. There is no way I need the baggage of jealously along with all the other shit that goes on in my head.

‘Keep still.’ His breath tickles my face, the smell of barbeque sauce lingering on his breath. I know it sounds funny, but it makes me want to eat him. My eyes focus on his

mouth as he slides the helmet onto my head. His fingers work their magic with the chin strap and soon have the clasp done up. He’s momentarily frozen, eyes drinking me in, seemingly searching my soul for something. What, I don’t know. His fingers graze my cheeks before cupping my jaw, his thumbs rubbing lightly over my bottom lip.

I’m finding it hard just to breathe right now. We are all alone in the side street, shaded from the glaring sun by the apartment buildings. The world seems to continue to move on at its rapid pace behind us, and yet here, time is frozen. He bites his own lip and I start to plead silently to myself. Please kiss me, just this once. Just kiss me once and I will never ask for anything else! I know it’s a lie, but I can’t help myself. It appears that I too am impervious to his charms.

‘Don’t …’ he begs. I’m confused.

‘Don’t what?’ I barely get the words out.

‘Don’t look at me like that.’ His eyes are pleading with me, but I studiously ignore them.

‘Why not?’

‘Because if you don’t stop looking at me like that then I’m going to have to kiss you.’ It’s clearly a challenge, testing to see what my reaction will be. He’s being cautious with me, and I wonder if this is the way he usually behaves.

‘Well, I promise I won’t complain if you do.’ That’s a pretty bold statement, especially coming from me.

I don’t know what’s come over me. All I know is that when I’m with Tyler, I want to have fun. I want to be fun. His jaw clenches, I can see the muscle working hard as he bites his teeth together. I briefly wonder what his hesitation is, before he closes his eyes and leans in towards me.

Oh crap, this is it! He’s actually going to do it! I’m not ready, I’m not ready.

All thoughts escape me as he moves towards my lips. My nostrils fill with his scent; deodorant mingling with the salt from the ocean, tantalising my senses and surrendering me helpless.

His mouth gently closes over mine, breath hot as our lips fuse. My eyes close as I succumb to his kiss. There is nothing else on this planet, except for both of us, right here, right now. There is no eating disorder, no broken family, none of the unhappiness that has plagued me for years. All that exists is this blissful, tranquil moment – imprinting onto my young mind, cataloguing it for later when I want to remember my first, proper kiss.

My mouth parts as his tongue seeks to delve into mine. I grant him permission, letting him take the lead. Our lips move so easily with one another’s that it manipulates me into thinking that his mouth was made for mine. My brain argues with me how idiotic that sounds, but a girl with a crush will not be reasoned with.

When we finally break apart, we are both left breathless and stunned.

‘Wow,’ he says huskily.

You got that straight.

Meet the Author

Shelly Pic

Shelly is a multi-genre author who lives on the east coast of Australia in northern New South Wales with her husband and two children.

Shelly's breakout novel, Ruined and companion novella, Ruining Angel are contemporary romance fiction books available on kindle and print from the Amazon store. Sanctuary of Mine is a New Adult Romance and available in print and kindle on Amazon. (Graphic Design by Cover It Designs).

Beloved Soul by Shelly Pratt is available through Amazon and is published through Eternal Press. Please note that Beloved Soul's cover artwork, editing and publication is all done through Eternal Press.

Editing acknowledgements go to those who are listed on each individual book title.

Earlier novels written by Shelly will now all be published under Stevie Harlow. Slight title modifications have been made, but ALL of this information will be made clearly visible to readers so there will be no confusion to those who have previously purchased these books. You can find all of the Stevie Harlow Novels on this website in the menu above. Just hover and click!


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Friday, November 29, 2013

Love Square Series Sale

Love Square Series Sale!

Hurry, sale ends Sunday at Midnight!

LOVE SQUARE (Love Square #1)

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HIS EVER AFTER (Love Square #2)

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Barnes & Noble: you all!!

The Infamous Ellen James Tour

The Infamous Ellen James Blog Tour
The Infamous Ellen James (The Infamous Series #1)
Meet twenty-eight year old Ellen James. A sarcastic, feisty, foul-mouthed ER Nurse. She is snarky, sassy, and sometimes crudely inappropriate. After a terrible breakup with her fiancé, Ellen has promised herself that she will never make the mistake of falling for another man again… and physicians, well she’s more than written them off.

Once she meets sexy Trauma Surgeon, Dr. Trent Hamilton, this promise is unbelievably hard to keep. This too-hot-for-Ellen's-own-good man is undeniably sexy and down-right irresistible. He leaves her breathless, speechless, and irritatingly turned on. He makes her fantasize about him in all kinds of dirty, inappropriate ways.

With the help of her obnoxious, and often times hilarious best friend Amy, Ellen will find herself in several crazy, embarrassing situations. 

This is a story of friendship, love and how one very sarcastic woman can find the strength to pick up the pieces after having her heart broken. 

In her first novel, N.A. Alcorn provides interesting takes on the word vagina, while giving you a reason to re-think your next visit to the Emergency Room. This book is bound to make you laugh, smile, and provide you with enough sarcasm to choke your grandmother. No, N.A. doesn’t want anything bad to happen to your Grandma Ruth, but she does want you to strongly consider re-naming your vibrator after a guy who’s at the top of your spank bank rotation. Be prepared for dripping juice-boxes, awkward pelvic thrusting, and a little suspense to keep your snatch on edge. 

Warning: This novel contains explicit sex, profanity and far too much vaginal humor. This novel is not meant for anti-fornicators, up-tight prudes, or virgins who refuse to go to Pound Town.

Author Bio:
N.A. Alcorn is a wife, mother, labor and delivery nurse, writer, and blogger. She lives in Cincinnati with her husband and three-year-old son, Sid. In her spare time she enjoys reading, writing, running, and having inappropriate conversations with her blog besties. She also has a serious addiction to music and her all-time favorite band is Incubus. Her ability to eat an ungodly amount of Reese’s Cups in a fifteen minute time frame would quite literally blow your mind.

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Infinite Desire Release Day

Happy Release Day to Danielle Jamie!!!

It's finally here, the moment we have all been waiting on; to see how they story ends for Kayden and Savannah.  Infinite desire is now available from all major distribution outlets. 

Title: Infinite Desire
Series: Savannah Series #4
Author: Danielle Jamie
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Age Group: Adult 
Expected Release date~ Late Fall 2013

Over the last several months, Savannah's life has been a never-ending roller coaster ride. Every time Savannah sees the light at the end of the tunnel and her world stops spinning, another obstacle is thrown in her path. Kayden had always been her rock, the constant in her life over the most difficult months of her life. A story leaked, making Savannah doubt everything including Kayden's love. Leaving their fate hanging in the balance, she ran. But after learning the truth, Savannah set out to correct her wrongs and win Kayden back. Will Kayden put the past behind them, and focus on the future they could have together? Or will Savannah be heartbroken and all alone again? Savannah thought their love was infinite and indestructible. After everything they've been through, how can they wade through the past and believe in their love? Will Savannah and Kayden get their happily every after, or will the past jeopardize their future? Only a special kind of love can survive the trials and tribulations life tosses in your way. Is Kayden and Savannah's love strong enough to make it through the strongest of storms? Only time will tell.

Savannah 16 hrs earlier
Climbing into bed at my parents’ house, I slide under the covers and curl into a ball. Gripping my comforter in one hand, and my phone in the other, I stare at the screen. I just sent Kayden a text telling him I need to talk, but didn’t know if he was sleeping or not. I keep watching the time on my screen change, each second feels like an eternity.
I’m emotionally drained and feeling completely shattered. I walked away from Kayden after he begged for me to stay. Why didn’t I just stay? I had every right to be scared and think that Kayden slept with Nadia, maybe; I’ve been cheated on before and was completely clueless. All I keep telling myself since the day I left Texas is that I should’ve gone with my gut. I knew deep down Kayden loved me and only me. He’s not given me any reason to doubt his faithfulness. He took a chance on love when we jumped into this crazy beautiful relationship of ours. He gave me what he has given no other women since Lulu, his heart. I can’t even begin to image how he’s feeling right now. I stomped on his heart and made him feel that I don’t trust him.
My phone starts playing Cowboys and Angels; I changed Kayden’s ringtone the night of my birthday. Since it’s the first song Kayden ever sang to me, then he had Dustin Lynch sing it to us as we danced on my birthday; I just knew it was the perfect choice for Kayden. It’s a lot better than Genuwine’s Pony that Kayden set as his ringtone back in December when he was a tad drunk.
I can’t help but smile thinking back to the simpler times; us being carefree and enjoying bon fires on the beach. Little did I know that entire time Jacob and Zak were planning to kidnap me and hold me for ransom. Since then my life has been  a nonstop roller coaster ride of ups and downs.
Taking in a deep breath, I close my eyes and slowly exhale. “Hey…” I answer my voice low and shaky. My nerves are on edge after the run in with Giselle, Logan and Nadia tonight.
“Hey baby. What’s up…everything okay?” I immediately relax hearing Kayden’s voice.
Trying to ignore the butterflies fluttering in my stomach from hearing Kayden call me baby, I decide to just jump straight to the point. “I just got in from Vertigo; you’ll never guess who Brooklyn and I ran into tonight.”
I can hear Kayden moving around in bed on the other end. It makes me miss him even more laying in this bed all alone. It feels like forever since I’ve been in his arms.
“Do I want to even know?” He asks sarcastically.
“Yea, well, Brooklyn spotted Giselle and Logan partying together in Vertigo…I guess they’re an item now. But they weren’t alone, Nadia was there too.” The words taste foul in my mouth. Talking about them makes my stomach churn. I have so much anger boiling inside of me.
I can hear Kayden cursing under his breath; I can just picture him running his strong fingers continuously through his light brown hair. I hate having to have this conversation over the phone.
“If they did anything to upset you Savannah…I swear to God.” Kayden says angrily, his drawl thick and raspy. It always gets thicker when he’s pissed off.
Letting out a sigh, I fight back the tears welling up in my eyes. We’ve mainly been texting back and forth to keep in touch since I came back to LA. Hearing his voice was just too hard, so I’ve refrained from calling him. Hearing him now, even thousands of miles away my body aches for his arms to be around me. I’m not complete without Kayden by my side. Knowing even after what I’ve put him through while trying to figure all this out, he still loves me and worries about me.
“It was a good thing we found them there, I confronted Nadia and she confessed to me that everything she said was a lie. I cannot tell you enough how sorry I am for doubting you. I was just so scared…” My voice trails off and cracks as I fight the tears threatening to break the flood gates. I take in and let out short even breaths as I try to compose myself.
“That lying bitch finally decided to tell the truth now! Well isn’t that nice of her.” The bitterness in Kayden’s voice pierces my heart. This woman put him and me through hell all because of Giselle. “I don’t know what to say Savannah, I told you…hell I begged you to believe me, I was never unfaithful to you. I’m not Logan. Do you think it’s easy for me after what Luanne put me through to trust you?”
Hearing the disappointment in Kayden‘s voice shreds me. I hate that I allow Logan‘s transgressions to affect my trust in Kayden. The mention of Luanne is like a sucker punch to my gut. It‘s hard for me to control those voices in the back of my head telling me Kayden will cheat on me just like Logan did. It never crossed my mind that he may be fighting his own battle against the evil demon’s our exes have plagued us with.
“I don’t know what to say besides I’m sorry and I love you, and if I could go back, I’d do it all differently. I just need you to understand, deep down I believed you. It’s just I had that voice in my head screaming at me to run…so I ran. I want you to understand that from here on out Kayden I’ll be by your side and never doubt you again. Being away from you this past week has been the hardest week of my life. Harder than almost dying.”
Kayden is quiet and for a moment I think I’ve lost him, but then I hear him sigh into the phone. I don’t realize it until now that I was holding my breath waiting for himto say something…anything. “You think it was hard for you?” He drawls, with anger and pain in his voice. “I’m the one who’s been ripping his hair out trying to figure out what the fuck I have to do to make you believe me. I’m just relieved she’s finally stopped this whole fuckin’ charade. We’ve got to work on us Savannah. We’re nothing without trust.”
I cannot agree more. We have off the charts chemistry when we’re together. We love each other immensely, but without trust our relationship will crumble. We can’t build a life on shaky foundation.
Feeling my fight to keep myself together slowly weakening, I decide to focus on what went down at Vertigo tonight with Nadia. I quickly scoot against my headboard, pulling my knees up to my chest and snuggling into my blanket before diving in, “When we confronted Nadia at the club tonight she sang like a canary, and Giselle was beyond pissed, but it wasn’t easy getting the truth outta her. It took Brooklyn and I threatening bodily hard to her, Giselle…and Logan, to get them to come clean. The only thing is it happened right in the middle of Vertigo. So I have no doubt that the argument will spread like wildfire all over the internet by tomorrow.”
I can hear Kayden taking in long sharp breaths, probably trying to refrain himself from jumping on his jet, and coming to LA to beat the living crap out of Logan. “Did she say why she lied? Was it just to get attention? All these people care about is getting their face on a fuckin’ magazine.”
The tears freely fall from my eyes now, I’ve lost the battle with my emotions, and I’ve been through a whirlwind of shit tonight and just can’t fight it anymore. A sob escapes my lips as I try to speak.
“It…was…Giselle.” Climbing to the edge of the bed I grab a tissue off of my night stand, wipe the tears from my face. “There’s something you need to know, Giselle and Nadia paid your assistant for information on when you’d be in Paris, then waited at the Hotel bar for you to show up so they could get pictures with you. Giselle preyed on the fact that I have issues with trust, and I have no doubt in my mind now that I know she’s with Logan.”
“That fuckin’ bitch! She can’t have me, so will do anything to destroy what we have. She will not get away with this. She fucked with the wrong man. And Logan best pray I never see him again, because if I do this time nothing will stop me from beating the living the shit out of him! My assistant will be lucky if she can get a job at McDonalds by the time I’m through with her.”
Hearing the anger in Kayden’s voice, I have no doubts he would probably beat Logan to death for this. They’ve gone too far, and I for one cannot wait to see them pay for what they’ve done. “Well Giselle and Logan will be all over the news by Monday morning, Nadia agreed to come clean to the press. She’s going to tell them the real story, of how Giselle and Logan manipulated and used her for their gain, paying her off to sell the false story of you two having a one night stand in Paris.”
“I can’t believe this. These fuckin’ people don’t give a shit who they hurt, as long as they get whatever the fuck they want. I will be giving my own fuckin’ story to the press too come Monday. By the time I’m through with them, they will have no career left.”
I cannot wait to get Monday over with. Finally have the truth out there, let the world see that Kayden and I are happily together. Giselle is truly a pathetic person. She’s so bitter that Kayden wanted to keep their relationship strictly platonic, and wanted to be with me and not her, that she’d stoop so low to try and destroy us. I’m ready to go home, back to my new home with Kayden in Galveston. Start fresh.
Gazing out the window I watch the stars twinkle in sky above my parents Bel Air mansion. This house is gorgeous, but being here in my room alone is very lonely. I’ve grown accustom to curling up in Kayden’s strong and protective arms every night.
“I’m going to book a flight back to Houston tomorrow first thing.” I tell Kayden matter-of-factly.
“I’m so happy to finally hear those words come out of your mouth, baby. It has been a long fuckin’ week. I’m never letting you go again, even if I have to tie your stubborn ass up and lock you in a closet.”
I let out a small laugh as I think back to Kayden fucking me into oblivion with the best ass fuck’ of my entire life, in my closet.
“What?! You don’t believe me…laugh my sweet Savannah, but baby, I ain’tlyin’.” Kayden’s husky laugh is like music to my ears. After a week of absolute misery, I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
“I believe you, I was just laughing because I was recalling a particular time when you were ravishing me against the wall in a certain closet. We definitely gotta do that in your beach house, that closet needs christening.”
“Well darlin’ sorry to burst your bubble, but we’ll have to christen the closet Wednesday. I just flew into Las Vegas today with the boys. We’re doing a guy’s weekend before Braxton settles down and starts poppin’ out babies with Mya.”
“Okay. I hate I have to wait until Wednesday, but you’re worth the wait. Just as soon as you step through that door, I expect to see you naked in that closet wearin’ nothing but that cowboy hat I love.” I blush at my brazenness, but since I’ve been with Kayden I’ve been a lot more vocal about my wants and desires.
“Fuck baby. Don’t talk like that when I have to wait four more days to see you. I’m gonna have to go rub one out in the shower. I can’t get the image out of my head of you very satisfied on the closet floor.”
Fuck it. I need to be with him as soon as physically possible. First thing tomorrow I’m crashin’ his guy’s weekend and flying to Vegas.
A yawn escapes my mouth, even though I want nothing more than to stay awake all night on the phone with Kayden. My body betrays me, screaming at me to sleep. My eye lids are heavy, between crying and being completely spent, I can’t fight sleep any longer.
“Goodnight baby. You’re tired and it’s late. Call or text me tomorrow letting me know when you’re flying back to Texas. Love ya, baby. Everything will be better once we’re back home together.” Kayden drawls into the phone, his voice like a lullaby soothing me.
“Night, Knox. I love you too, more than the moon and all the stars in Texas.” Hanging up, I flick away the last tear from my eyes. I’ve cried too many tears over the last several months. Patting my eyes with my blanket, I roll over, curl into a ball, falling asleep the second I shut my eyes.
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 Chapter One
“Vegas baby!” Brooklyn shouts for the entire city to hear as we step out of our taxi at the entrance of Kayden’s hotel and casino. It’s right down the road from Paris.
Taking in the bright lights of Vegas, and the Eiffel tower all lit up, I try to get Brooklyn to focus on the task at hand, “Brooklyn! Focus! We need to find Kayden.”
Rolling her eyes and letting out a dramatic sigh, Brooklyn reaches for my hand and pulls me towards the entrance of Knox Hotel and Casino.
“We’ll find Kayden…then we’re going to hit the clubs!”
With Brooklyn, we’ll either end up in jail or close to it by the time we’re through with sin city.
Walking into the lobby I waste no time heading straight to the registration desk. Thankfully the line isn’t too long. Sliding my oversized sunglasses off; I toss them into my purse. After a few minutes of waiting, and inhaling clouds of second hand smoke, I finally am asked to approach the counter.
“Hi, welcome to The Knox Hotel and Casino.” The middle aged woman says greeting us with an overly enthusiastic smile. I don’t know how these people have a voice left, after working in a casino full of cigarette smoke all day. I’ll surely be suffering from laryngitis by the time we leave Las Vegas.
Digging my wallet out of my over-sized Michael Kors purse I flash a small smile, “Hi, I’m Savannah Livingston, fiancée to Kayden Knox. I just need a key card to his penthouse suite.” I try to keep my voice down and not draw attention to us, but that’s hard to do especially with Brooklyn’s popping her gum, and chatting it up with everyone standing in line behind us.
Squinting her eyes at me, the woman with the name tag reading Vivian, looks me over with nothing but doubt in her eyes. I can only imagine how many women try to get up to his suite, once they learn he’s in town. It makes my skin crawl thinking about how many Kayden willingly brought back to his suite. It wasn’t too long ago he was as big of a man whore as Dixon.
“Yeah, and I’m Celine Dion. Sorry doll, you’re not the first nor will you be the last to try and get up to Mr. Knox’s room. If you’d like to book a room, I’d be more than happy to help you. If not then please be on your way, I have a line of people behind you eager to get checked in and start gambling.” She says with her voice dripping with annoyance.
I know she’s only doing her job, and I appreciate that because I don’t want any skank off the street mosey on up to my boyfriend’s suite. But my face has been all over the place for Christ sake! We just did an engagement announcement with People magazine! I definitely don’t want to call Kayden and tell him I’m here; I really want to surprise him. I could call Jax, but I hate asking him to lie to Kayden.
Pulling out my iPhone, I scroll through my photos and pull up a picture of Kayden & I. Letting out an exasperated breathe, I hold me phone in front of her. “There, now can we please have our room cards.” Dropping my phone back into my purse, I glance at Brooklyn, who’s about one second away from jumping over the counter and grabbing a damn key card herself. I definitely don’t want to cause a scene, and be dragged out of here by security. That would be mortifying!
Giving me a weary glance she finally tells us, “I’ll need to see your I.D.’s and then you’re good to go. I’m sorry for the inconvenience; I hope you understand I’m just trying to do my job.” Brooklyn and I waste no time fishing our I.D.’s out of our wallets. Within seconds Vivian is sliding our key cards and welcoming us to ’Fabulous Las Vegas’.
Looking in the mirror I am shocked at how I look. I’ve finally put some weight back on from my accident, and got a kick ass tan going on. I just straightened my hair and finished the last few touches on my makeup. I slipped into a micro mini sequin dress and hot pink pumps. I’m going to get my man and make him want to take me into the closest room we can find.
I can hear Clarity blasting from Brooklyn’s phone as I walk into the living room of Kayden’s penthouse suite. Thankfully they’re all out, so it gave us time to freshen up before we go and hunt them down.  I immediately know its Dixon calling her cell. She set that ringtone for him a few weeks ago and it is perfect for them. I can’t for the life of me wrap my head around whatever the hell they are. She’s sort of seeing Jax, but still talking to Dixon. As soon as he heard from Kayden that things were getting serious between Brooklyn and Jax, Dixon started showing up a lot more.
“Heyyyy!” I hear Brooklyn say in her valley voice. “Oh really, well sounds like you’re having a hell of a lot more fun than Savannah and I.”
I called it weeks ago, I told Brooklyn, he doesn’t want to commit to her, but doesn’t want her to commit to anyone else. He wants her to be with just him, but wants the freedom to stick his dick into any other chick he wants. If I was Brooklyn I would’ve kicked him upside the head a long time ago. I guess she enjoys the drama and excitement, I know myself I much rather stick to a low key, drama free relationship. I’ve had enough drama in my life these last several months, to last me a freakin’ life time!
Walking across the marble floor, you can hear my heels clicking and clacking. The sounds echoing throughout the massive suite, grabbing my clutch, I dig my phone out and check my messages. Brooklyn’s just ending her call with Dixon, when I finish up my text to Kayden,
I can’t wait until Tuesday, so I can finally c u & make up for lost time. Glad all this shit is behind us, we can finally move on with our lives. <3 u! c u soon xoxo
Wrapping her arm around my waist and pulling me against her, Brooklyn flashes me a devilish grin practically blinding me with her megawatt smile. “Okay, so here’s the plan. Dixon said they’re all just leaving dinner and heading back here for some UFC party they’re throwing at Vertigo here in the hotel. So we need to get our hot little ass’s outta here in case they decide to stop up here for anything beforehand.”
“Dixon, seriously Brooklyn?” I ask with sarcasm in my voice. Shaking my head at her, we quickly head out of the suite, and down to the elevators.
Letting out a small laugh Brooklyn snaps her head around, “Hey! Don’t judge me! That guy is a rock star in the sack. Jax can rock my world, don’t get me wrong, but Dixon is in a category all of his own. You can tell he and Kayden are related…that’s all I’ll say.”
Rolling my eyes and letting an aggravated moan escape my mouth, I whip my eyes from Brooklyn to the elevator. “Brooklyn, seriously I really don’t want to hear about Dixon’s penis at the moment.” Pressing the button for the elevator we jump on as soon as the doors slide open.
“Hey, I can’t allow you to be the only one able to brag about the Texas sized dick her boyfriend has. I’ve had my fair share of Oscar Mayer wieners, so when I get a large Southern sausage, I’m going to freakin’ brag about it!” Brooklyn says giggling and bumping hips with me. “Chill out Savannah, you’re going to go find Kayden, have wild animalistic make-up sex and all will be right with the world again.”
Leaning against the wall of the elevator listening to the rock music pumping out of the speakers, I can’t help but feel a knot twisting in my stomach. I feel like it isn’t going to be that easy. I seriously wish I would’ve punched that bitch Giselle in the face last night. She is so jealous of my relationship with Kayden that she went as far as selling a fake ass story to the press. Then, having her friend tell various magazines that she slept with Kayden when he was in Paris for work.
I hate myself for doubting Kayden, but I didn’t know what to think. Logan cheated on me with half of LA, and I was freakin’ clueless that it was going on. He was just as romantic, and loving as Kayden. I’m only human. I just hope this doesn’t cause strain on our relationship, and we can move forward with our lives. Start planning our wedding, and finally get our happily ever after. We’ve been through too much crap in such a short amount of months. I think it’s about time fate cuts us some slack, and let us be freakin’ happy!
After a lot of persuading we finally got into the party. I guess Vertigo is only open to guests who are on the list to attend. It’s some big UFC party for an upcoming fight next weekend. Brooklyn flirted our way through the line since the bouncer could care less that I’m engaged to the owner of the hotel.
The club is packed and it’s only nine p.m. I can’t believe some of the people who are here. I know UFC is a popular sport, but wow! Some of the biggest names in Hollywood are here tonight. My jaw drops when I spot the UFC poster hanging above the DJ. Staring down at me is Shayne…my random one-night-stand from last Halloween. Who just so happened to be in LA partying last night! No wonder he said he knew Kayden.
“Want me to go grab you a drink?” Brooklyn shouts in my ear, snapping me out of my state of shock.
Turning around I stare at Brooklyn with my eyes wide, the music is so loud it’s impossible to have a conversation without yelling to one another. Grabbing her arm and ignoring her question, I point my finger towards the DJ and the massive banner with Shayne on it.
I give Brooklyn my, ‘Oh FUCK!’ look as I try to process that tonight may not go as planned.
“Holy shit! Shayne Andrews is Shayne…LA Shayne?! He’s a UFC fighter?”
Grabbing her hand I drag her into the bathroom of the night club. Pulling her down onto the circle couch in the corner of the room, I rest my face in my hands. “Oh. My. God, Brooklyn. What am I going to do if I find Kayden, and he wants to introduce me to the guys the party is for? What do I say, oh hey, I already know him because he handcuffed me to his car and fucked my brains out last Halloween?!”
Brooklyn not holding back laughs and tells me, “Your life is more juicy then the damn soap operas Savannah. You just can’t make this shit up!”
Dropping my hands onto my lap, I drag my gaze from the tile floor and lock eyes with Brooklyn. “I’m glad you find this whole thing so entertaining.” I say with a little more attitude then I planned, but I am royally pissed off right now. I am sick and tired of the freaking paparazzi constantly in my face. It’s only a matter of time before they realize we’re in Vegas. Then they’ll be back to shoving cameras in our face, and making up some more stories about us.
Gripping my shoulder and shaking me playfully, Brooklyn flashes me a small smile, “Listen, that’s just worst case scenario. This place is bursting at seams with people. I highly doubt you’ll see Shayne. Hell, it’s going to be hard enough tracking down Knox in this place tonight.”
I guess she’s right; the odds of seeing Shayne are pretty slim. This place is insane, and more than likely he’ll be sitting in a VIP booth the entire time drinking expensive champagne, while being surrounded by ten bimbo Barbie’s.
“You’re right. I need to stay sober and alert tonight, so let’s go to the bar, and I’ll grab myself a water. I am not letting anything get in the way of Kayden and me again. I just want to find him, and get the hell outta hear.”
Standing I adjust my dress, check my make-up in the mirror and working up the courage to head back out into the club, praying that tonight doesn’t turn into a drama fest!
Standing against the bar, I watch the Go-Go dancers dancing beside the DJ while waiting to order our drinks. Brooklyn’s texting away on her phone while I’m scanning the club for any sign of Kayden.
The dance floor is directly in front of us, and is jam packed with people. I can’t help but think back to last year when we came to Vegas. It was just Brooklyn and I while Logan stayed back in LA for work. We had a blast doing a girls weekend. Gambling, dancing until four in the morning with total strangers. It was carefree fun. Its crazy reflecting back on my life a year ago, compared to what it is now. I was with Logan, and settling for what I thought was love. Before Kayden, I had no idea what true love felt like.
I’d take this crazy insane life, over a quiet peaceful one any day. As long as I’m with Kayden that’s all I care about. He makes all the trials and tribulations worth it. I know we’ve both made mistakes and been through a lot, but I believe our love is strong enough to make it through anything.
“Oh shit…you’re not going to like this, but things just got a little more complicated.” Brooklyn says with panic in her voice, snapping me out thoughts.
Taking in a sharp breathe, I prepare myself for whatever it is Brooklyn has to tell me. “Oh god, what now?” I ask leaning against the bar and watching Brooklyn as she reads whatever it is she’s looking at on her phone.
I am two seconds away from ordering a shot of Whiskey, because I’m in desperate need of something to calm my nerves. To top it off, Kayden has yet to text me back; which is totally unlike him, he always responds back to me no matter how busy he is.
Stepping closer to me, Brooklyn squeezes herself between a group of girls shouting their order to the bartender. “This is not good…god damn blood suckers, will do anything for a story.” Shaking her head and looking as if she’s ready to kick the crap out of someone, she holds her phone up in front of me so I can see what’s got her fired up.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I shout snatching the phone from her hands and scrolling as I speed read the story written about me. “Seriously, can I not go one freakin’ day without my name on this damn blog!”
Brooklyn gives me a sympathetic look, but before she can say anything the bartender finally asked her what she wanted to order. Sliding my eyes back to her phone I read the words that will most likely ruin my night,
‘Savannah Livingston shows Kayden Knox his betrayal isn’t getting her down. She was spotted late last night in Knox’s LA night club no less, partying it up with a sexy up and coming UFC fighter. Shayne ‘Knock Out’ Andrews who has a fight against heavy weight champ, Juan Riviera next Saturday in Las Vegas.’
Of course the picture plastered across the top of the story…Shayne taking a belly shot off of me last night! I swear I could kill Brooklyn right now. I never should’ve let her drag me up onto that bar. At the time I was so confused with everything going with Nadia claiming she slept with Kayden, that I was doing anything to distract myself from the mess my life was.
“Do you think Kayden’s seen this yet?” Brooklyn asks handing me my water.
Letting out a long sigh, I hand her back her phone. I’m done reading their half-truths and over exaggerated lies. Of course, they threw in the drama with Giselle, Logan, and her skanky lying friend Nadia. I love how “witnesses” saw firsthand all the crap that went down last night, but couldn‘t get a fact straight for the life of them.
Hopefully my PR can clean this mess up, and Nadia keeps her word and tells the truth to everyone; letting the world know she lied. Everyone will know how low Giselle and Logan sank to try and break up Kayden and I. Paying someone to sell a false story to Magazines, It’s just pathetic and wrong on so many levels.
Knowing Shayne is here had my stomach doing flip flops already, now it feels like it’s been tossed into a blender, and put on high speed. With this story being leaked and the press making it look like I hooked up with Shayne last night; there’s a whole new storm in the horizon.
“Well it may explain Kayden not responding to the text I sent earlier. I told him last night I talked to Nadia and she told me everything was a lie. He was fine, I told him I’d be heading to Galveston and see him when he got back from Vegas.”
“We’ve gotta clear this shit up pronto!” Grabbing my hand Brooklyn drags me away from the bar. We zigzag through the crowd of people dancing, after being groped by a sleezball, and then a couple getting hot and heavy bumping into me, spilling my water almost down the front of me. We finally make it where the VIP entrance is. There’s two bouncers observing who enters the restricted area, because there’s some big name celebrity’s here tonight.
Vertigo is packed and pitch black, the only lighting is the strobe lights, which is making it even harder to search for Kayden, Dixon, Jax and Braxton. After getting past Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, we make our way through the VIP section. Stopping for a moment, we scan the area looking around at the tables of people. Thankfully everyone‘s to busy partying to notice us staring at them.
“Kayden knows better than anyone to not believe shit he reads on Tinsel Town blog, but that picture…like the one of Nadia and him, may hurt your case a little. And we know Knox has a temper, so let’s pray he doesn‘t run into Shayne tonight.” Brooklyn says as she continues looking for the guys, All I see is a bunch of old men surrounded by young bimbos doing anything to land their sugar daddy for the evening.
“I don’t see Kayden anywhere Brooklyn. I think we should text Dixon, see where they are or Jax…I really don’t care anymore. I need to find Kayden and fix this.”
Looking defeated, and silently agreeing with me, Brooklyn digs her phone out of her bag. I feel someone brush by me, their cologne smelling all too familiar. The sounds of overly excited women beside me flood my ears, turning around my eyes fall onto Shayne. He’s with a group of girls who look like they belong in Hugh Heffner’s Playboy mansion.
Fan-fucking-tastic. I divert my eyes to the floor, spinning back towards Brooklyn. Gripping her shoulder, I push her and shout into her ear, “Go…now!” Tripping over her 6” stilettos, Brooklyn flashes a pissed off look at me as she catches herself on the stranger in front of her.
Too freaked out to care, I keep moving, “Shayne is right behind me, move your ass now!” I shout as I walk past her grabbing her wrist, pulling her behind me, I move as fast as I can and get away from Shayne before he recognizes me. I’m now grateful for this place being pitched dark, because that was almost disastrous.
“Damn it Savannah! I practically snapped my frickin’ ankle! Shayne’s here? What the hell? Does he have a freakin’ GPS on your ass or something.” She spits out as she tries to keep up with me.
With panic coursing through my body, I maneuver through the crowd trying to make my way out of the VIP area. Looking behind me I spot Shayne joining a group of people at a table. Seriously, I cannot escape this man!
Looking over at Brooklyn, I try to speak, but my voice shakes as my heart tries to slow back down to normal, I take in a few quick breaths before finally speaking. “I don’t know but I swear out of all of these people I run into Shayne, literally bumped into each other. Thank God he didn’t realize it was me and try to talk to me. I just need to find Kayden and clear everything up.”
Making our way across Vertigo, we try to look around for Kayden and the guys. Dixon texted Brooklyn back saying they are here and just got a table. She had to tell him that we’re in Vegas so he wouldn‘t think she‘s being a stalker and checking on his every move.
He also confirmed to Brooklyn what I already knew; Kayden has seen the pictures from Vertigo in Los Angeles last night. Between being hung over, and so stressed out, I feel literally sick to my stomach. I’m about two second’s away from bolting out of here and just waiting for Kayden back in Texas.
“Dixon said they’re on the far end of the VIP area, since we know Shayne is sitting with his posse at the beginning of the VIP, we’ll go around the other way. Try to avoid another run with him.” Taking my hand, and giving me a sympathetic smile we make the walk back to the VIP lounge.
Every step I take, the more nervous I become. Knowing Kayden is ignoring me and rightly pissed off is ripping me apart. I should’ve done a lot of things differently over the last several days. Now I just hope and pray Kayden will have more faith in me then I had in him.

Amazon Bestselling Author and a mother of 3 wonderful kids. Madison 9 Bailey 5 and Finn 2. I run a successful online boutique, Bailey Booper’s Boutique; many of my items featured on Teen Mom 2. I live in a small town in NY with my husband of 10 years, enjoying my happily ever after. My perfect day is spending time at the beach, I love the Ocean. I’m an outdoorsy type of girl; every chance I get I’m outside walking or running around with my kids.
I have been writing for as long as I can remember but I finally decide to peruse my dreams of sharing my stories with the world when I published my first Novel Irresistible Desire back in March 2013.


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